See Genova


Cosa visitare a Genova? Che cosa fare oggi o stasera? Consulta AtlasFor per scoprire gli highlights ed essere sempre aggiornato sugli eventi che Genova propone.

Genova, crocevia di storia e popoli. Scopri cosa vedere e dove viaggiare tra Genova e dintorni, un'occasione per scoprire la vocazione turistica della città che accoglie il porto più esteso d'Italia.

In foto, piazza De Ferrari, scattata da Sara Ceria in licenza libera CC BY-SA 4.0

1200-1300 to Genova

Porta Soprana

Porta Soprana

Gate of the medieval city and symbol of the independence of the city-state, today Porta Soprana still represents a border between ancient and modern

Art center to Genova

Museo di Sant'Agostino

Museo di Sant'Agostino

A large museum of Genoese culture and sculptures in a main religious complex of the medieval city that was devastated by bombing

Palazzo Rosso

Palazzo Rosso

Seventeenth-century Palazzo dei Rolli on Strada Nuova, set up as a municipal museum of great interest

XII Cent. to Genova

San Donato

San Donato

One of the oldest and best-preserved churches in the city, an example of the most archaic Romanesque

XIII Cent. to Genova

Santa Maria di Castello

Santa Maria di Castello

Church and convent, inserted in the acropolis of the city, remodeled and enriched over the centuries with little-known art treasures

Palazzo San Giorgio

Palazzo San Giorgio

A symbol of the maritime republic and of the economic and commercial power of Genoa in the Middle Ages.

XIV Cent. to Genova

San Lorenzo

San Lorenzo

A cathedral with adventurous history, among Romanesque, Gothic and Baroque, between France and Italy and the power of the Church and the City.

XVI Cent. to Genova

Palazzo Nicolosio Lomellino

Palazzo Nicolosio Lomellino

One of the best known Palazzi dei Rolli, with a fascinating external arrangement, made by a play of water and an extraordinary hidden garden.

XVII Cent. to Genova

San Siro

San Siro

A church and convent complex among the oldest in Genoa, today important for the treasures of the Baroque that it contains

S.Maria delle Vigne

S.Maria delle Vigne

An important religious complex in medieval Genoa whose only the cloister, bell tower and various traces remain visible in the church, rebuilt in the 17th century.

Special to Genova

Le Mura delle Grazie e della Marina

Le Mura delle Grazie e della Marina

The walls that make Genoa inaccessible from the sea, still mighty, with the ancient city overlooking it: the sea has moved away and below, on the rocks, there are now roads and construction sites.

Porto Antico

Porto Antico

The oldest corner of the port, which was transformed by a great reuse program into the most attractive tourist center in the city.

Il Molo Vecchio

Il Molo Vecchio

The dock par excellence built in the Middle Ages and enlarged in the 19th and 20th century.

Le mura da Porta Soprana a Campo Pisano

Le mura da Porta Soprana a Campo Pisano

It is possible to walk on the ancient walls from Porta Soprana to Campo Pisano, finding both a medieval and modern atmosphere

Urban to Genova



The portico that in the Middle Ages faced the sea, traditional center of trade and services of primary interest for those who work in the port

Piazza Cavour e Via Turati

Piazza Cavour e Via Turati

The front of the ancient port which has always been the border between the city and the port, has been modified many times in the last 200 years.

Piazza Dante Via Madre di Dio

Piazza Dante Via Madre di Dio

The square and the business center built through two of the most important urban renewal interventions before and after the Second World War

Piazza Sarzano

Piazza Sarzano

The largest public space in the ancient city, located at the edge of the medieval walls and intersection of the routes leading to the Castello hill

Piazza De Ferrari

Piazza De Ferrari

An open space beautifully placed at the end of Strada Nuova, a mix of Renaissance streets and medieval climbs

Via XX Settembre

Via XX Settembre

The street of the twentieth-century city, commercial arcade-axis characterized by the Monumental Bridge that connects Carignano to Acquasola

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