A masterpiece of the Baroque style. It was the first seat of the Italian Parliament. Inserted in the UNESCO list with the Savoy residences
The building is known for the excellence of its architecture, created by Guarino Guarini. It was the residence of Kings Carlo Alberto and Vittorio Emanuele II and hosted the first Parliament of the Kingdom of Italy. Today, after a restoration, it is home to the Museum of the Risorgimento, and is included among the Savoy Residences on the UNESCO's heritage list.
Information curated by:
Staff Landscapefor (2016-2025)
Geographic coordinates:
45.069° 7.6855°
via Accademia delle Scienze, 5 - TorinoTags:
#museo, #unesco, #risorgimento, #barocco, #residenze-sabaude, #siti-unesco, #storia, #architettura, #guarino-guarini, #bene-seriale.Related POIs:
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