Three architects for a sanctuary @ Santuario della Consolata


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Three architects for a sanctuary

The ancient church of Sant'Andrea, is transformed into a shrine for the growing affirmation of the Marian cult, already at the end of the sixteenth century. The radical modification project is due to Guarino Guarini who, starting from 1678 and commissioned by Madama Reale, transforms the nave of the Romanesque church into the current elliptical hall and creates a new hexagonal chapel on the north side to accommodate the Marian icon. The Guarinian project was completed in 1703 by Antonio Bertola. In 1729 Filippo Juvarra intervened by adding an oval presbytery to accommodate the new high altar.

The photo shows the elliptical room of Guarini, the new door on the left and the big pipe organ, one of the most important of the city.

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