New fronts on the new road @ Il terzo Ampliamento barocco

from Gianfranco Gritella, Juvarra, l'architettura

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New fronts on the new road

With the straightening of the Contrada of Porta Palazzo and the perpendicular Contrada of Porta Susina, Pre-existing buildings are demolished or deeply restored and new buildings are built with uniform façades that give coherence and dignity to the roads leading to the Town Hall. The strong sense of unity of the fronts of the buildings, although characterized by different decorative details, denotes a design designed on a large scale, an urban scale: Juvarra adopts different compositional solutions, from time to time commensurate with the roles or hierarchical rank of the client. In the first section of Via Milano, towards the door, there is a greater uniformity in the facades that is partially lost, continuing in the street, in the buildings built in the later age.

Sketches by Filipppo Juvarra for the facades of the district of Porta Palazzo

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