Juvarra commissioned by the King @ Via Milano

Of Mario Passanti from Umberto Allemandi Editore

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Juvarra commissioned by the King

Following the Treat of Utrecht (1713) and the annexation of new territories, Vittorio Amedeo II (king of the Kingdom of Sicily) enstrusts Filippo Juvarra with the redesign of the capital. The project focuses on the northern part of the city and defines the two new main routes, i.e the street prolonging the Porta Susina (the current via Corte d'Appello and via del Carmine) and the one taking to the external route for Milan (the current via Milano). The two routes intersect and are connected with the administrative centre (Palazzo del Comune).

In the book of Mario Passanti, the plan shows the new Via Milano which adjusts the previous one and the convergence of the Juvarra axes on the square Palazzo di Città.

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