A stunning architecture for the new campus of the University's humanistic faculties
Located in a former industrial area at the gates of the city centre, the new campus has the latest technologies and is considered one of the ten most spectacular university buildings of the world: a project by Norman Foster.
Information curated by:
Alessandro De Caro, Doha Barkoune, Elisa Capra, Germana Chiusano, Nicolò Magazzù, Patrick Ellis Salazar, Staff Landscapefor (2017-2025)
Geographic coordinates:
45.0733° 7.6993°
Lungo Dora Siena, 100 A, 10153 Torino TOTags:
#universit, #architettura, #norman-foster, #istruzione, #progetto, #alternanza-scuola-lavoro, #formazione, #arte, #recenti, #contemporaneo, #urbano.