Sistemazione ambientale e design VINCITORE del Premio Fare Paesaggio 2016 per l' Ambito B - Segni nel paesaggio
The work deals effectively with the difficult theme of landscaping the skiing infrastructure. The project redefines the features of the old ski jump and manages the relationship between an important natural setting and new components with complex uses incorporating bold constructed elements. The reorganisation of the areas frees the valley floor by concentrating the structures and buildings on the mountainside and resorting to temporary, versatile solutions for the parts of the infrastructures required for events. Despite the considerable size and the capacity to hold large numbers, the perception of artificiality is offset by careful landscaping that minimises the impact of the constructions which also have a clear-cut design. The specific attention paid to the hydrological aspects and the regeneration of the vegetation emphasises the environmental sustainability of the project. (from the motivations for the award).
Information curated by:
Staff Landscapefor (2016-2025)
Geographic coordinates:
46.477414° 13.721151°
#premio, #paesaggio, #segno, #fare-paesaggio, #2016.