Project for reuse: a shopping center

Sold by the state property in Pentagramma Piemonte (Fintecna and real estate operator Gefim) in 2008, it was to become a big shopping. The project presented in 2012 by the Dutch giant of Corio, with an investment of 150 million euro, provides for the conversion of the building into a commercial and multifunctional center: towards Palavela there is a pedestrian walkway that will connect the first level of the building with the existing park as an ideal link with the historic monorail of the 1961 exhibition.

The project, presented in 2012 by the Dutch commercial giant Corio, with an estimated cost of € 150 million, is managed by the Studio Rolla team - GHA Design, Planning, Land, Smithgroup JJR, Ai Studio, TTA st. ass.

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