The Vanchiglia district has shown a dedication to the productive sector since the end of the eighteenth century, a period in which the area was initiated to a proto-industrial specialization in relation to the use of motive power resulting from the canalization of the Dora. Numerous factories and craft workshops developed, which gave the neighborhood the nickname of Borgo del Fumo. The conditions of high pollution made necessary a redevelopment of the area, which was then included in the Plan of Enlargement of the Capital, by Charles Promis ( 27 November 1852).The district maintained its protoindustrial vocation, characterizing itself as the productive center of the city. During the Fascist period, the area was the subject of an important building replacement, linked to the advent of modern industry, and instead of laboratories were built housing and buildings for rent, still identifiable examples of architecture regime.
Planimetry of theTurin's city (June 1935) taken from ASCT; Register types and drawings; folder 64; issue 7; table 8-4. The location of the balilla's house is highlighted in red.