A perspective centered on two important focuses @ Il primo Ampliamento barocco

Of Ignazio Sclopis el Borgo, Fredrich Bernhard Werner from Collezione Simeom ASCT

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A perspective centered on two important focuses

The main axis of the southern expansion starts from the Palazzo Ducale and the Piazza Castello in front of it, crosses the Piazza Reale which continues with equal width and design up to the Porta Nuova and the fortifications. A perspective escape towards the two focal points; a strong sign, where the architecture and urban design coincide and represent the needs of the city and the Savoy court. A sign traced by the first ducal architect Ascanio Vitozzi in the existing fabric that becomes the backbone of the new expansion with Carlo di Castellamonte. A project strongly pursued by the Savoy dukes, from Carlo Emanuele I to his son Vittorio Amedeo I and, at his death, by Madame Royal Maria Cristina.

In the two 18th century engravings the perspective views from Piazza Reale (Piazza San Carlo) towards the Royal Palace to the north and towards the Porta Nuova to the south.

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