from Ada Peyrot, Vittorio Viale, Immagini di Torino nei secoli, Torino 1973
Victor Amadeus II ascended to the throne of the Duchy in 1685, taking power from the cumbersome mother regent, Madame Royal Maria Giovanna. He ended the support of France and allied himself with Spain and the imperial armies, hoping to expand his possessions to the Duchy of Milan. In 1706, when the situation seemed desperate and the siege of Turin by the French raged, the war was won thanks to the help of the Austrians and the heroic gesture of Pietro Micca that blocks the entrance of the enemy in the underground tunnels of the citadel. With the Peace of Utrecht in 1713 the House of Savoy is assigned the royal title; Vittorio Amedeo II gets the kingdom of Sicily that will be exchanged after two years with that of Sardinia.
The plan of the city shows the ordered blocks of the built part, the empty space to the west, inside the new fortifications and the route of the tunnels in the French siege towards the citadel.
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