The last 18th century rectification project @ Il terzo Ampliamento barocco

from a cura di Politecnico di Torino, Forma Urbana ed Architettura nella Torino Barocca, 1968

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The last 18th century rectification project

The project of the royal architect Benedetto Alfieri for the square and the Via Palazzo di Città of 1756 is the last of the rectification interventions carried out in the eighteenth century within the walls. The axis that connects The City Palace to Piazza Castello is dedicated to indicate the relationship between the two Governments, the local one and that of the Duchy and then of the Kingdom. The connection was emphasized at the beginning of the seventeenth century by the partial project of rectification of the ducal architect Ascanio Vitozzi. The eighteenth-century axes of Via Milano towards the Porta Palazzo to the north and Via Corte d'Appello towards the Porta dei Quartieri Militari to the west, connect to the command area through the junction of Piazza Palazzo di Città.

In the relief of urban fabrics of the late eighteenth century you see the project of the square and Via Palazzo di Città completed, as well as the axis of Via Milano, which cross the old medieval fabric.

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