A surgical project @ Il terzo Ampliamento barocco

from a cura di Politecnico di Torino, Forma Urbana ed Architettura nella Torino Barocca, 1968

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A surgical project

With the edict of 1736 and the following 50 years, there were continuous construction sites of several owners who gradually built their buildings, following strict rules to obtain a qualification of commercial funds and building fronts. It is a major operation of redevelopment of the urban fabric made possible by the composition of the new property of the blocks: a new, recent nobility, of bourgeois extraction, capable of developing investment and income-generating programmes and implementing them in the new direction. The demand for housing and workshops is due to the strong population growth and the impossibility of realizing new enlargements: the walls are completed and not further expandable.

The drawing of Lampo shows the line that must be obtained with the fronts of the buildings, slicing, reconstructing or settling the existing building.

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