Icon of the Category "Culture/Loisir"Polo '900 Torino

Polo '900

Co-designed and supported by Compagnia di San Paolo, the municipality of Turin and Regione Piemonte, Polo del '900 is a cultural centre for the city, in particular for younger generations and new citizens.

Polo del '900 offers a section dedicated to Ukraine that is constantly updated to find useful information and insights and participating to solidarity campaigns organised on the territory.

It is also possible to have access to a series of volumes in the reading rooms of Palazzo San Celso and Palazzo San Daniele.

Useful information about Polo del '900 activities: Palazzo San Daniele: reception@polodel900.it +39 0110883200 Palazzo San Celso: receptionsancelso@polodel900.it +39 3453937109

Information curated by:
Staff Landscapefor (2018-2025)

Geographic coordinates:
45.0762° 7.6746°

Open AtlasFor

Via del Carmine, 14, 10122 Torino TO

#barocco, #storia, #quartiere, #culturale, #biblioteca, #patrimonio-culturale, #centro, #quadrilatero, #torino, #archivio, #ucraina.

Media available

Eventi / Vogliamo Tutto!

Teatro Piemonte Europa e Polo del ‘900, in collaborazione con ErosAntEros in residenza presso Santarcangelo dei Teatri, presentano lo spettacolo teatrale "Vogliamo tutto!". Ideazione e spazio: Davide Sacco e Agata Tomšič. Regia e music design: Davide Sacco. Dramaturgia: Agata Tomšič. Con Agata Tomšič.

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