The work of Birago di Borgaro @ Residenze Sabaude - Castello di Agliè

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The work of Birago di Borgaro

The architect Birago di Borgaro called to Agliè numerous court artists: the Collino brothers who worked on the sculptures of the great Fountain of the Rivers, in line with the facade of the castle overlooking the park; the plasterer Bolina who worked on the white stucco decorations on the walls of the new entrance hall, known as Salone della Caccia; the architect Michel Bernard who took care of the new structure of the garden. Birago di Borgaro was also involved in the operation of the urban renewal of the nearest village area to the castle. Moreover, the sixteenth-century church that was too close to the new facade was demolished and a new church was built on the opposite side of the external square. The new parish was realized by Birago di Borgaro and dedicated to Madonna delle Nevi, furthermore, it is accessible from the castle through a gallery that delimits part of the square.

The hunting hall is the new entrance hall. The large and oval windows fill the room with light, while the white stuccos, created by Bolina, decorate the walls and ceilings.

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