The Ducal Palace of Aglié is one of the Savory residences of the Crown of Delights and it has been named a Word Heritage Site by UNESCO.
The palace is located in Piazza Castello, it rises above a large square that anticipates the old town. The building and the park are the results of many important architects’ interventions implemented during the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries to indulge the needs of the different owners and to adjust the shapes to the fashions of the time. From Count Filippo d'Agliè to the rulers of the House of Savoy and the descendants of the Dukes of Genoa, all the inhabitants of the castle have left evidence of their passage. Since 1931 it has been owned by the State; in the nineties, it has been named a Word Heritage Site by UNESCO.
Information curated by:
Edi Guerzoni, milli paglieri, Staff Landscapefor (2019-2024)
Geographic coordinates:
45.3613° 7.7694°
piazza castello, 2 - AglièTags:
#unesco, #barocco, #residenze-sabaude, #architettura, #palazzo, #castello, #parco, #bene-seriale, #medievale.Related POIs: