Icona della Categoria "Rurali"Gli ulivi millenari Ostuni

Gli ulivi millenari

Eu Landscape Award 2012-2013. IT Selected

A policy lunched in the last few years and formed by a series of interventions aiming to preserve and valorize one of the most antique agrarian landscapes in the world, 'The millenary olive groves'. The area represents much more than mere agrarian lands, as it is a rich container of historical, cultural, natural and landscape elements, both unique and of great value, that characterize this Mediterranean scenery. Those assets are concentrated along Via Traiana, that crosses the Fasano, Ostuni and Carovigno plains, in a strip of territory caressed by the Adriatic Sea that belongs to the Coastal Dunes Regional Park.

Informazioni a cura di:
Fondazione Landscapefor (2015-2025)

Coordinate geografiche:
40.751158° 17.501507°

Apri in AtlasFor

Parco Naturale Regionale delle Dune Costiere, Brindisi


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