Icona della Categoria "Parco naturale"Parco Torre del Fiscale Roma

Parco Torre del Fiscale

Eu Landscape Award 2012-2013. IT Selected

The overcoming of the serious condition of urban decay of the neighborhood was achieved creating an 11 hectares public park in an area rich of landscape value. The project benefited from strong participation that triggered a process of improvement of life quality for the entire local community. The identity of the place was recovered by the appropriation of historical and environmental landscape values, the enhancement of archeological remains, reconstructing the history of the places and of the Agro Romano.

Informazioni a cura di:
Fondazione Landscapefor (2015-2025)

Coordinate geografiche:
41.860069° 12.544795°

Apri in AtlasFor

Roma, Municipio IX

#premio-paesaggio-europeo, #premio-paesaggio, #2012.

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