The fragmentary remains of an important institution commissioned by the King in the late 1600s where young people were trained to be worthy of the Court first and of military life.
The Royal Academy is an important component of the extraordinary complex of institutional functions that gravitate around the Palace: the so-called "Command Zone", included, together with the Royal Palace in the UNESCO Heritage List. It was born in the late 1600s as a school to train young aristocrats in court life and became a military academy in the 19th century. Of the complex, largely destroyed in the first half of the twentieth century, there are only a few columns and capitals from the arcades inserted in a reconstructed part of the sleeve, while the part on the street and the courtyard area is occupied by the new Teatro Regio.
Information curated by:
Staff Landscapefor (2019-2025)
Geographic coordinates:
45.0705° 7.6888°
Piazzetta Accademia Militare, 3Tags:
#unesco, #barocco, #residenze-sabaude, #siti-unesco, #arte, #paratissima, #bene-seriale.