The birth of Piazza San Carlo @ Piazza San Carlo

Of Antoine Herisset from Biblioteca Reale di Torino

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The birth of Piazza San Carlo

The creation of the square required many years. It was built on the old fortifications soil and it was completed around the middle of the century. The Castellamonte's project of an harmonized architecture reaches an high level of elegance and formal perfection, so much so that eminent architects and travelers, such as Robert de Cotte and Guarino Guarini, admired the square during the following years. The seventeenth-century square became the most representative urban space in terms of dimensions and value, serving as parade ground, market place, a place of strolls and public performances, such as competitions, celebrations and processions.

The print reproduces the Juvarra's project of the west side of the square - Isola San Giorgio

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