Eu Landscape Award 2012-2013. RO Candidate
The Agricultural Development & Environmental Protection (ADEPT) project was implemented by the ADEPT Foundation in the period May 2006-March 2009, financed under the Darwin Initiative and co-financed by Orange Romania and the UK Government (Defra). The project was initiated in the Tà¢rnava Mare area as a response to the threats to the semi-natural landscapes in Southern Transylvania, threats stemming both from land abandonment and agriculture intensification as well as from lack of recognition. The goal was to facilitate the conservation and traditional management of the Tà¢rnava Mare semi-natural landscape, while increasing local benefits through the sustainable use of ecosystems. The project met its targets and developed a wider significance, with impact on national and EU policy towards High Nature Value Farmland (HNVF) areas.
Information curated by:
Fondazione Landscapefor (2015-2025)
Geographic coordinates:
46.180781° 23.881531°
South-East rural Transylvania
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