Icon of the Category "Facilities"Piano Paesaggistico della Sardegna Cagliari

Piano Paesaggistico della Sardegna

Eu Landscape Award 2010-2011. IT Selected

The 2006 Landscape Regional Plan is one of the first in Italy and has the mission to preserve the free areas and to impose regulations on the already constructed ones. The coastline is divided in 27 subareas with particular quality objectives, regulations and features for new buildings and rehabilitation. The Coastal Preservation Service is used to manage and support the Landscape Plan policies. The 2012 revision of the Plan reduced the restrictions and the application areas of the management instruments.

Information curated by:
Fondazione Landscapefor (2015-2025)

Geographic coordinates:
39.231721° 9.118252°

Open AtlasFor

Regione Sardegna

#premio-paesaggio-europeo, #premio-paesaggio, #2010.

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